Doot doo doo doo, feelin’ Groupony

By Mir
November 8, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

(I’m aware that the rhythm didn’t work quite right on that. I’m still on my first cup of coffee, and cannot be held responsible for my failure to seamlessly mash deals into earworms, okay?)

Several of you missed the last Groupon deal for Blurb and asked me to keep an eye out for you in case it came around again. Ask and ye shall receive! Check out today’s Colorado Springs Groupon to get $60 worth of custom photobooks at Blurb for just $20. Sweeeeeeeet.

I have to tell you, though, that is not my favorite Groupon for today. I mean, it’s a great one—don’t get me wrong—but I think my all-time favorite has just popped up today. Check out the sidebar Cleveland Groupon; $25 gets you $50 worth to, which means you’re not only getting a deal, you’re contributing to charitable work in Malawi. Love. And the truth is that I would love this even if their merchandise was kind of meh, but they carry a ton of items that have been featured on various “style watch” lists, so you may be able to knock out a couple of gifts with this one.

Once again, Groupon makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.


  1. Love the linen purses which are already 50% off. I see three gifts being creatively, charitably, and frugally being checked off my list. Very cool!!!

  2. Mir, I was planning on making a photo book of our trip to Disney, and this rocks!! I love the fact that I’ll be able to get so much for so little – thank you for introducing me to Groupon. There goes my productivity level!! LOL

  3. I have 3 photo books I need to make stat! What I am wondering though, is blurb the best deal? one photo site had a buy one get 2 free, but when you buy the one it could be anywhere from $20-50. So, how many books am I going to get out of the $60? What has your experience been Mir?

    Thanks in advance!

  4. My husband has used Blurb a bunch of times (he’s a photographer) and has been very happy with the quality. (Poke around the site for prices… depends on length of book.) I know there’s been a Picaboo Groupon up several times, as well, and they get excellent reviews. Somewhat a matter of personal preference rather than price, I think—everyone is running specials! 🙂

  5. FANTASTIC! Got mine. Thanks!!!

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