For your favorite outdoorsy killer type

By Mir
November 14, 2010

I feel like this is worth sharing because 1) it’s a great price, 2) the games get good reviews and 3) it makes me laugh.

Even though I don’t condone killing things, even on your Wii.

That said, I’m kind of digging this Wii Hunting and Fishing Bundle at Amazon for $80. That’s $70 off the retail price of buying the pieces individually. And you get a gun! And a fishing pole! And three different ways to kill hapless animals!

It all sounds very manly. Please do not tell my vegetarian daughter that I think this is hilarious.

1 Comment

  1. I’d be sad to catch a humongous fish and not even be able to eat it. Though Wii probably has some virtual cooking and eating games by now. 😉

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