Amazon never wants me to get up

By Mir
December 2, 2010
Category Hot Hot Hot!

This is always a magical stretch of time, these few weeks in December, leading up to Christmas. The joy! The goodwill! The love of our fellow man! The endless deals at Amazon!

It’s almost as if they have a vested interest in keeping me from ever getting up from my desk. No, I don’t think I’m being paranoid; why do you ask? Here, I made you this shiny hat. No, don’t ask questions, just put it on.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, right! See, between the 17 Days of Video Game Deals (today it’s action games) and the continuing, expanded Cyber Week Lightning Deals, I have to stay right here. Just so that I don’t miss anything.

I mean, it’s a big job, but somebody has to do it.


  1. Be glad that it at least counts as work for you! I don’t know how the rest of us are supposed to get any work done…

  2. Seriously. A friend asked “How are you getting all these great deals?” and I had to admit – the secret is to not even attempt to get anything else done all day.

    Amazon Prime + excellent lightning deals = eleventy billion single-item orders arriving to my house, all in their own box. The UPS man thinks I’m nuts.

  3. I got an email from amazon that they are extending my Prime membership from Amazon mom an extra month as a holiday bonus! So happy because it was going to run out in mid December, so now I will not get up from my computer for the rest of December!

  4. Carolyn
    I got the same email too! I think it has to do with the fact that they have yet to extend my membership length, even though I have purchased from the baby store.
    Anyway I am happy I have longer to buy Amazon stuff! Woot!

  5. I ordered the 007 Wii game last week it shipped already and now it’s on sale again. Will amazon refund the difference if I call or email or is it just easier to order it at the cheaper price and return the other one?

  6. Amazon no longer does price adjustments, so you’d have to reorder/return if it’s worth it to you. 🙁

  7. I have some items shipped home and others to the office. Only I know how MUCH I really order. Office is on the second floor and I think the UPS man hates me…LOL

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