Resolve… weakening… can’t… hang… on…

By Mir
December 23, 2010

Y’all, I could’ve gone my entire life without discovering this. I am already a fool for the limited edition peppermint bark chocolate that Ghirardelli does every Christmas, and I’ve been averting my eyes for months, now, so that I wouldn’t buy any. I’ve been so good. And then today I discover that they make an extra dark chocolate one (60% cacao!), and it’s on sale, and coupon code HLDYCHOC takes off an additional 10%.

If I had a Kryptonite, it would be those squares. Have mercy.


  1. Mir- if anyone deserves a bag of delicious dark chocolate combined with just the right amount of minty goodness, well if I knew your addy I’d send it right away!!

  2. You are an eeeevilll woman – I DID NOT need to know about that stuff… especially since I have to do a little bit of shopping this morning at a place that carries Ghirardelli…

  3. I’m not doing it. No I’m NOT.

  4. It’s veeeerrrrry tasty! One of my bosses gave me some in my holiday goodie bag this year, and it was gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood. 😉

    But if you don’t get some, that just means there’s more left for me.

  5. Wow…I thought I was the only one that was addicted to these! Seriously, I have a bag hidden beside my bed, in the back of the glass dish cabinet…

  6. No, Mir, No! You didn’t! And now you have sucked us into the vortex.

    I. Must. Find.

    Or order.

  7. Okay, this morning with the discount this chocolate is priced at less than $9.00…true, it won’t come til after Christmas, but my children don’t care! A great thing to take to a New Year’s party or just munch on during the bowl games…

  8. Actually, the Dove version of these are *so* much better. I couldn’t find the Dove, picked these up and was disappointed – they ended up going to work for the hungry masses. 🙂

Bargain Hunt





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