Um, not that I was looking, or anything, but there’s a newly stocked stash of goodies in the Apple Store’s Special Deals section, specifically in the refurbs.
As in, they have some 15% off deals on refurbished MacBook Airs. (Hang on… I think I drooled on the keyboard a little….)
This stuff isn’t impulse-buy material, for sure, but if you’ve been saving up for one of these babies (or a refurb’ed iPad or Touch or whatever), now’s a good time to take a look. Or to buy me a present. Heh.
So, how does one get the Money Fairy to visit? I’ve never figured that out.
The money fairy visits–it comes, breaks things and leaves to watch all the money get sucked out of your wallet…I’m not a fan of the money fairy…
I have convinced myself for months that I don’t need an Ipad. Maybe I will have to rethink that…….Will be taking a couple trips to New York( from Washington State) to visit when my grandaughter is born. Think it would be so much nicer to have an Ipad instead of lugging around a laptop.