… you need a Ninja 3-in-1 cooking system, obviously!
Remember a couple of years ago, I did a Ninja review, and then a couple of weeks later, I gave one away? I still use my Ninja several times a week—it’s definitely my favorite cooking method.
The only problem with the Ninja cooker is the price. Although it does way more than a regular crock pot, it’s still hard for most of us to justify the $200 the Ninja debuted at, or even the $130 it currently goes for on Amazon. But if you’ve been saving your pennies, today may just be your lucky day. Today only, over at Home.Woot they have a refurbished Ninja for just $89.99. (Note that the Ninja comes in several different models. This is the MC702 on both sites, the model that comes with bonus multi-purpose and mini-muffins pans.)
Is it still more than you’d pay for a “regular” crock pot? Yep. Does it do a whole lot more than a regular crock pot? Yep! At this price, I don’t see how you could go wrong.
The woman who earlier this week sautéed onions and seared pork chops in her Ninja before assembling that night’s dinner and letting it slow cook all day.
How have I never heard of this thing???! It looks amazing! Just dropped a heavy hint to the hubs for a christmas present.
Also, the word ninja makes me think of this song. Every. Time. http://youtu.be/7fDuNuFNG38
Ooooh, new ear worm! 🙂