If a kid you love has a scooter on their wish list, check out these Razor A Kick Scooters at Amazon—although regularly priced around $40, select colors are just $17 right now.
Fair warning: Looks like only the “girly” colors are cheap, but I’m also seeing prices fluctuate, so it might be worth keeping an eye on if you want a different color at the reduced price. [Edited to add: Looks like the blue one is now $17, as well!]
Well damn about the girlie colors. These are on my shopping list for the season, they are great to take camping, much smaller and foldable than hauling the bikes with… I need a boy and a girl. One down I suppose, with the eye on the prize.
Recheck the blue, Patricia! And yes, they’re perfect for camping. We love ’em at campgrounds.
Work is totally getting in the way of my shopping. Missed it. But keeping it open on refresh now you bet.
I just bought the blue one for $17. Thanks for the tip!
Darn it. I need one.
Be aware that these are the smaller models. Bought one in the past and it is smaller than the A3 that my older kiddos have and little bro is less than impressed that it isn’t full sized, although plenty big for a 4-8 ish year old. $.02