Stock up at Fashion Bug

By Mir
March 19, 2008

So, honestly, Fashion Bug is not my favorite store in the world. When I’m buying wardrobe-building pieces, I do prefer something… a bit more upscale. I’m just sayin’. However, for t-shirts and other wear-’em-for-a-coupla-years sorts of things, I happen to like them a lot. You can get a lot for very little money, and as long as you keep an eye on what you’re buying (I always have to remind myself to pay attention to the fabric content, as I like natural fabrics and some of theirs are… not), you can make out like a bandit.

That said, through March 21st, 2008, Fashion Bug is doing the Buy One, Get One for $1 Sale. This makes me squeal a little bit. There are exclusions—Priced Just Right items, some lingerie, name brands like Skechers, coats, and a few other things—but it does not exclude clearance items, so prepare to get your bargain on.

Make it even sweeter with a code (these are both good through April 23rd, 2008):
776205304 — free shipping on $75+
776205502 — 25% off any order

Happy hunting!

[Edited to add: Links are working now—for some reason they weren’t working in certain browsers—and although it’s not leading to a fancy sale graphic, the Buy 1, Get 1 for $1 sale is working. Pinky swear.]


  1. Oops, your Buy One, Get One for $1 Sale link isn’t working.

  2. And neither is the first one. Bargains, baby–we want our bargains!

  3. Heidi, where are you looking? They’re working fine for me!

  4. I have to say they’re not working for me either. I get the dreaded 404 error–which is probably their problem, not yours.

  5. Works for me. Thanks Mir.

  6. On top of that 25% off and the $1 sale, the bras are buy 2 get 2 free! That is an awesome deal.

  7. Have I mentioned how awesome you are, Mir!? Only exceeded by your good looks and personality.

    I just made out like a bandit there. Like you, I never shop fashion bug, but won’t my daughter think I’m cool, now 🙂

Bargain Hunt





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