If I can’t have one, I get to poke fun

By Mir
April 16, 2008

Hey, I think it’s been a few hours since I last mentioned that we don’t have a Nintendo wii, hasn’t it?

Well, the good news is that right now you can pre-order the Wii Fit from Amazon for $89.99, and if the price decreases before release you’ll get the lowest possible price.

The bad news is that if you want one, you have to watch this, first:

(If that didn’t make you laugh, you have no sense of humor and should immediately send your wii to my house. That is all.)


  1. That was too funny because it is true!

  2. That was hiliarious! I loved the “Wii Fit goes with anything from Ikea”.

  3. “Step up on the white thing and dance”. Step up and get down, baybee! hahaha!

  4. I just preordered this! Now hope for a price drop!

  5. I love that video- but it really should be watched alongside Nintendo’s original Wii Fit video for full effect.


    at $90, I’m a little skeptical. Wii sure has squeezed a lot of bucks out of us since Husband got his for Christmas…

  6. ohmygoodness. that was hilarious!!!

    i totally want a wii to go with our ikea furniture!

  7. I’ve often said I need one of those “dance, dance” type things, if only I could get it to have decent music!

    I liked that IKEA line too.

  8. “You have never had so much fun standing in one place.”

    Very funny…..Totally supports why we don’t have gaming systems or 398 TV stations……my kids actually know what grass feels like between their toes.

  9. Crap, now I need Ikea furniture to go with my wii…. I’m sure DH will loooooove that 🙂

  10. that looks like so much fun! i want one. of course, i would have to buy the Wii to go with it.

  11. So want a Wii! That was funny, but a bit sexist 🙂 I had to listen without the sound, work ya know.

  12. Wow! That was so great… lol.

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