Good morning! I hope you had a restful and relaxing holiday weekend. I know that I did. Also, I may or may not have eaten my own weight in junk food. Hard to say (without incriminating myself, that is).
Now the holiday’s over and it’s back to real life… which is why I was delighted to see that if you spend $49 on eligible Kashi products at Amazon, you can use coupon code KASHI333 to take $20 off your total.
Buy 4 of the Honey Almond Flax cereal 4-pack bundles, for example, and it works out to just $1.87 per box.
Not that you need any “Go Lean.” You look fabulous. But it is a great deal.
Yum, they DO make the only kind of insstant oatmeal that I’ll eat anymore (after checking every other brand’s scary ingredients).
I am so annoyed that the boxes of granola bars (which are excellent) are $48.
awesome deal! I just stocked up on some of our favorite cereals, and decided to try the pilaf as well. thanks! 🙂
Thanks so much! I just stocked up on the bars, which serve as my breakfast when I get to work everyday!
Who knows the best way to buy Kashi products in bulk? Boxes of cereal and granola bars are especially wanted, but I’d love to learn about a good way to buy any of the Kashi products.