Hello! Do you need a robot?

By Mir
February 12, 2018

Hi there! Did I disappear for a week? I did. I’m sorry. As is the Production Code, the show I’m doing opened just as I commenced dying* from a terrible, gross cold. The good news is that I drank all the tea in the world and survived, but the bad news is that I guess I hope you didn’t want any tea. Also that I hope you didn’t need me last week.

Anyhoo! Now that I’ve decided to live I thought I should come back with a super fun deal, because why not? I mean, sure, sometimes you need stuff, but sometimes you just want stuff. I, for example, have done about the same amount of basic housework in the last couple of weeks as my dogs, which is to say that—save for accidentally producing a few tumbleweeds of hair which we could maybe call decoration…? No?—none at all. If I’d had this robot vacuum here I could’ve at least claimed that I vacuumed, even though it would’ve just involved pressing a button.

Said robot is currently priced at $250, which is the regular price and not very exciting, but if you use coupon code 7SSBEOEO you’ll save $90, bringing it down to $160, which is actually a pretty darn good deal. Now, bear in mind that this is unlikely to replace a standard vacuum—the issue, thus far, with the robotic ones is that the dirt cup just isn’t all that big—but to keep things tidy while you’re busy hacking up a lung, hey. Not bad. If you’re in the market for such a thing (pro tip: this is one of my favorite things to give as a wedding gift, as it’s a perfect “I wouldn’t spend my own money on it because it’s a luxury but it’s sure nice to have” item), this is a sweet deal.

*I was not actually dying. I am just dramatic. But I hear when you’re in a show, that’s a good thing, right?


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