Smartbargains has jumped on the Cyber Monday bandwagon as well, and if you visit them through this link (today only) you’ll get free shipping on your order.
That’s great news, because their prices are awesome but their shipping starts at around $10, which always annoys me.
They’re also still doing their “6 Days of Savings” promo, which means lots of stuff is further reduced, just to make that free shipping a little more irresistible. (There are some really cute sweaters on sale. I’m thinking of sending the link to my husband, because I am subtle that way. Just like how I bought a Wii Fit and put it in his closet and informed him it’s his Christmas present for me.)
Yay, you got a Wii Fit!
Where did you get the Wii Fit?
Maybe I should’ve titled this post “Let me tell you about my Wii Fit.” 😉
I finally snagged one at Amazon—I was too unwilling to pay tax or wait in line to buy it elsewhere.
My, won’t I be surprised on Christmas! Hahahaha.
That’s exactly the way Jack shops for me…He has a box in his studio…it has the things I’ve found for him to give to me. Personally, I’ve found that, after many many xmas disappointments, this is the best way for him to be sure he gets me something I want. 😉