Up to 50% OFF and FREE Shipping at Disney Shopping’s Halloween Boootique!
That link takes you to a splash page where you can click through to costumes, but there’s also tons of Halloween decor clearanced in the outlet.
Also try coupon code FAMILYFUN20 for 20% off your total purchase (expires October 31st, 2006) if that will give you a better discount than the coupons offered to you on the site. (You may have to do math to figure out the best bargain, so eat your Wheaties first or whatever.)
Keep in mind: You can only use coupons at Disney when logged in. So log in first, before you shop. If you wait until later, when you log in, your cart will be emptied. It’s a charming little “feature” of the site.
Just a little hint from experience…
I had my shopping done and my shopping cart came up to $74.95. I think we all know that Disney doesn’t sell anything for $.05, so I called them and they gave it to me anyway without me having to add anything else.
Oh! Caren, you are pretty and SO SMART! What a great tip. 🙂