by Mir | Jun 5, 2007 | Everyday Wisdom
It was asked in the comments on this post that I explain exactly how to best pricematch shoes. What’s that? Give you step-by-step instructions on how to get the very best shoe deals? Okay, you twisted my arm. 1) Surf the sale section at Endless. 2) Find yourself...
by Mir | May 2, 2007 | Everyday Wisdom, Product Talk
Sometimes expensive things can be gotten cheaply, much to the bargain-hunter’s delight. And sometimes expensive things come in cheaper versions; also (usually) to the delight of those seeking a deal. The question with things like electronic becomes: What price...
by Mir | Apr 16, 2007 | Everyday Wisdom, Questions Answered
This past weekend I did a massive email clean-out, and realized that I’d lost track of several advice questions, some from as far back as January. I am hanging my head in shame. Just as a general suggestion—if you email a question to me and don’t...
by Mir | Apr 5, 2007 | Everyday Wisdom, Questions Answered
I know I haven’t been answering many questions lately, but I just got this one and thought I’d try to tackle it before we have to leave Panera and go back home to our cold, powerless house. Michele writes: Hi Mir, the most beautiful of all bloghers. I am a...
by Mir | Feb 7, 2007 | Everyday Wisdom
Wooooo, those of you who tried to hop on this deal have maybe done it before, or maybe this was your first experience with it, but either way—you’ve done it now. The adrenaline rush. The thrill of the chase; the high of the ultimate bargain. That’s...
by Mir | Jan 24, 2007 | Everyday Wisdom, Questions Answered
Yesterday’s post on the Dos and Don’ts of credit cards prompted this comment from tennessee gal: Delurking to ask a question. I am still in college and stumbled across your site through a link, but I love the freebies! I currently have no credit in my name...