Okay, one more try for me: At 1:50 p.m. Eastern (about 5 minutes from now), Amazon will have Wii Fits in stock. Will I manage to get one this time? Will you?
Get yourself logged in and turn on your 1-click ordering, that’s all I’m sayin’. Good luck to all!
Any luck? I’ve been refreshing for 15 minutes and haven’t seen any at list price (only the “available by these sellers”). I hope I’m not thick in the head and not getting that that was what you meant by available. Good Luck to you!
It has been the same for me also.
It has been the same for me also.
Yep, I never even SAW them this time. I wonder if their system glitched? If there were any available, I sure didn’t see ’em.
Meanwhile, someone at Amazon’s laughing and saying, “Ha! Made you look!” in a mocking manner.
Hey. My brother-in-law works for them. I wonder…
Wii Fits are currently available on circuitcity.com. They require that you buy two accessories to get it, but they are ones that you’d likely buy anyway (like the rechargeable battery pack–it’s a MUST!).