… is free snacks!
Okay, this is probably a mistake (I’m sure it’s a mistake), but do you remember my post about Honest Foods Country Squares from a couple of weeks ago?
The deal is that you can use a coupon to buy one, get one free. Except that apparently, the code is working to allow you to… buy one, get that one free. With free shipping. There are only two flavors left in stock right now, but if you add just one to your cart, apply coupon code HONESTFD and go to checkout, it should show up as completely free.
And you can place more than one order this way.
The orders may all get canceled, but who knows? Worth a try. (Thanks, Sarah!)
worked for me! thanks!
One flavor left in stock when I checked out.
Apple spice? I dont want to know what flavors I missed.
But at least I got another book I was looking at (to add up to free shipping) for cheap.
Thanks Mir!
worked for me so far. I only paid 5.63 in shipping. Thanks Mir!
Ahhh – loving my prime right now (it ends tomorrow – wah!) Got the only flavor left – Apple Spice. If I don’t like them it would be a great food pantry gift!
It worked for me thus far –we shall see if the ship. However, I don’t eat nuts (no allergy, just hate them — don’t judge me) and in my excitement I ordered not realizing that they are loaded with nuts (Walnuts, Almond butter, and peanut butter). So, I just had the BESTEST idea. What if we ordered as many as possible and gave them to the homeless shelters?
We have one in town that I’m pretty sure would love some high protein snack food. And I’m fairly sure there is no rule about giving free food to the homeless.
(So it is a win all the way around.)
And…now they are all gone.
They’re out of stock now, but the site says they’ll be in stock on the 18th, and the coupon is good through the end of the month.
missed it-story of my life 🙂
I ordered some last week and the first box arrived yesterday. They shipped for free and the code also made them free. Note, if you put multiple boxes in your cart, it will only deduct $19 from your order. But there doesn’t seem to be any problem with multiple single boxes. I ordered several more yesterday. Mmm. Tasty AND free.
They deduct the shipping cost if you sign up for subscribe and save!!
All gone. 🙁
It worked for me to get the apple spice flavor. I just ordered it with subscribe and save.
I got mine today – haven’t tried them yet but they were 100% free!
At the moment. there are four options that can be ordered using the code – making them free. BUT, they are all temporarily out of stock and the listing says they will be shipped once available. I ordered one of each at a grand total of $0.00. I’m curious if they will ever ship. I’m a bit doubtful.