Now the only thing you need…

By Mir
September 9, 2010

… is the syrup to go with your waffles. Right? Because you bought some mix last week, and now we’ve talked about waffle irons.


Right now you can get a 32-ounce jug of Coombs Family Farms maple syrup from Amazon for just under $16, shipped. Just use coupon code CMBSO9IO for 5% off and then buy via Subscribe & Save for another 15% off and free shipping.

I have a jug of this in my fridge right now—it’s my favorite syrup. I weep for my misspent youth, when I thought syrup came from Mrs. Butterworth’s. Bleah. If you’re still eating corn-syrup-laden concoctions and fear the price tag here, don’t; when you’re using real syrup, you use a lot less. I really think the comparable price ends up being about the same, and this is so much better for you than the fake stuff (both because you end up eating less sugar and because it’s all-natural).

Great. Now I want pancakes….


  1. I’d rather have a teaspoon of real maple syrup than a quarter cup of the fake stuff.

  2. you have to refrigerate maple syrup?

  3. It says “Refrigerate after opening” on the bottle, so I’m going to go with yes, Bob. 😉

  4. This reminded me of one of our favorite books —
    “If you give a pig a pancake, she’ll want some syrup to go with it. You’ll give her some of your favorite maple syrup. She’ll probably get all sticky, …”

  5. okay. I looked it up – natural syrups like maple are boiled sap – which is a breeding ground for yeast and mold. Not being from the NE, I’ve not been around maple syrup enough to develop a taste for it – or even be familiar with it.

  6. Great! now I want the waffle maker AND the syrup. The syrup however is MINE!!!

  7. i have noticed that you are EXTRA funny today. which, to me, is right on par with extra pretty. which you are every day. of course.

  8. we travel to vermont every summer and come home with a trunkfull of the pure stuff to hand out at christmas. it’s gold I tell ya!

  9. I was considering baking a chicken for dinner, but after these posts…. Pancakes it is!!!

  10. The syrup is listed a Grade B. What is the difference between Grade B and Grade A?

  11. Kay, syrup is graded by the intensity of flavor. Grade B is darker and more intense than Grade A, and some use B more for baking/flavoring, but I just think the B tastes better. Totally personal preference.

  12. When I was a child, my dad used to get real maple syrup, then cut it with 50% sugar water. We got the same flavor, but it didn’t matter if we put on a little more.

    I didn’t taste ‘pancake syrup’ until I was in my 20’s, I’m happy to say.

  13. I also use it for Maple Baked Beans and other recipes. My favorite (but seldom-made due to calories) involves maple syrup, chicken, cream and a touch of cayenne. Sounds weird, but MMMM!

  14. Oh yes you should definitely refrigerate maple syrup — otherwise it grows mold. Especially with a big jug like this, although if you eat pancakes like our family this would be (ahem) a monthly purchase.

    A fabulous pancake recipe: Alton Brown’s. Believe me, I know from pancakes.

    Mir, pancakes are verboten for you, right?

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