If you’ve been on the fence about getting a Wii, now might be the time to bite—Amazon has the black Wii console bundle available for just $150 (with $4 shipping) from goHastings.
It was mentioned on the Want Not Facebook page (are you a fan yet?) that there are rumblings that Nintendo will be phasing out the Wii. I don’t think that’s necessarily a deterrent at this point; for one thing, the “replacement” system isn’t slated to debut for at least a year. For another, Nintendo has historically been mindful of not rendering their old technology obsolete in one fell swoop. I suspect the Wii’s successor will take Wii discs, even if the “new” games are somehow enhanced.
So, sure, if you’re committed to staying cutting-edge, you might want to wait. But I suspect most of us just enjoy having some games to play with our kids, or possibly working on our dance moves when no one is looking. Ahem.
There’ll always be a new system, and the Wii will be 5 years old come November.
They won’t release a new system that’s not peaking at Christmastime (for maximum sales), so, if it’s not on tap for this fall, it likely won’t until NEXT fall, which really gives you about 18 months of fun. Not bad.
And it’s not like the one you have will become nonfunctional the instant the new one ships….
I was just on the phone with nintendo about repair of my wii when i read that and I ased the fella, and he said they are due to release a new system in 2012, but not to fear.
By the way, Nintendo has OUTSTANDING service! I mailed our wii back on monday for repair (they sent me postage paid return label) and I got it back today (less than 48 hours later!), along with 2 new (unscratched by 4 rugrats) Mario discs, at no charge to me. Amazing! I have not had that level of service since I worked at Sears almost 30 years ago!
another good reason to wait when new, hot items come out for sale! the price WILL eventually drop.
We have a Wii and love it. It was our first gaming system (other than a computer). I doubt we will spring for the new one in 2012 because there will be plenty of Wii games avaliable. My son’s both have the DSi XL and their cousins are still using the original DS which games are avaliable for. even with the 3D DSi out we’re not worried that they will phase out the DSi anytime soon, so I refuse to worry about the Wii =)
its at 168 am I at the right link? Our wii just zonked out on us.
Looks like the price has been raised since yesterday, Nicole. Check back—it may drop again.