Today’s main deal on Woot is an Apple 11.6″ Dual-Core i5 MacBook Air for $780.
I own an Air and love it; I tried for years to like the crummy off-brand netbook I bought on a deal and just couldn’t ever do it, and then once I got my Air I realized I could throw it in my purse just as easily and work wherever. My Air isn’t as nice as this one and I paid more for it. Hmph.
So, yeah, this is hardly the thing I’d recommend grabbing on as an impulse buy, obviously, but if you’re in the market for an Air, this is a pretty awesome deal.
If you’re in the market for a Macbook, definitely check out apples’s refurbished site – there’s greater selection and the price on the same macbook from the Woot deal is $20 cheaper.
Good point, Ally—I’m a big fan of certified refurbs, myself, but this Woot deal is unbeatable if you want a new machine.