Check your coupons!

By Mir
August 12, 2010

Y’all know that I sort of hate shopping at actual brick and mortar stores with coupons—for me it’s a great way to end up with a lot of wadded up pieces of paper in the bottom of my purse—but online coupons, of course, are another matter altogether. And with each new month comes a new batch of eligible coupons at Amazon, you know. And refreshing that page shows you other coupons. It’s a little bit of virtual coupon roulette!

As an encore to last month’s deal, they’re once again offering a $5 coupon off any Align Probiotic, which is great news for those of us who are unwilling to shell out $30/box for it. I’m noticing the price bouncing around a bit, though, so you may want to check back. Currently the 28-count box comes out to about $14 after coupon and Subscribe & Save, but I snagged a box at $12 earlier this week. Still, talk about an improvement over MSRP.

Plus, no garbage in the bottom of your purse. So.


  1. You really don’t go to the big box stores for things like toilet paper and toothpaste? I certainly order my share from Amazon, but I haven’t gotten into ordering food and household items yet. Does the shipping and handling make it worthwhile?

  2. Jill, I buy most of that stuff online from Amazon or Office Depot, but of course occasionally I have to break down and buy it at the store. Then I just buy something on sale, but I no longer do the cut-out-coupons-every-Sunday thing I used to.

  3. Hi Mir,

    You are so pretty!

    I know you talk about Subscribe and Save in a lot of posts – can you explain me how this works? I just am uber challenged on this one.


  4. I try to be virtuous and save some coupons every so often . . only to toss them a year later when I find them all crumpled and expired in the bottom of my purse. Glad to see I’m not alone!

  5. Mir – I know your not sold on Costco yet {hello, I can name 3 reasons that save me hundreds each year for the membership} but you can get Align for a GREAT price there {I dont personally take that brand, but my friends do and the pricing at Costco beats the other stores hands down.}

    Do you or the kiddo’s take Claritin or Zyrtec? Kirkland Brand Claritin $11 for 100 pills. Kirkland Brand Zyrtec $15 for 365 pills.
    Dog Food {I only feed my pups high quality stuff} Kirkland Brand $21 or $24 for 40lbs depending on the flavor you choose.
    Vinegar & Baking Soda for cleaning everything in the house in bulk = super duper cheap!
    Cheese – I get my block & shredded cheese for 1/3 the price of the grocery store!

    Have i sold you on the $50 per year membership yet? upgrade to the $100 and Executive Members enjoy an annual 2% Reward on most Costco purchases at the end of the year {that means, I haven’t “paid” for my membership except once in the last 5 years….}

  6. Sorry, Kamma, without a local Costco there’s no selling me on it. I’m better off just ordering stuff from Amazon on special, because I don’t have to pay an additional $50 to do so. If we had a local one I might feel differently, of course. I’m thrilled for all of you for whom it’s useful!

    By the way, I urge all dog owners to spend some time looking at these dog food rankings. While Kirkland scores better than most big brands (3 stars, vs., say, Purina Dog Chow, which only gets 1 star), the differences between the 5- and 6-star foods and the others are really interesting. (And you’ve just found another area where I refuse to skimp: We feed our dog a 6-star food.)

  7. Oh I am very familiar with the site. If i could afford to feed my dogs Wilderness by Blue Buffalo exclusively – I definitely would. Heck, I would eat that stuff myself! But with 2 70 pound boxers, I can’t pay $100 per month for their food. I am a label reader and and a researcher by habit when it comes to the food that enters my house. i had 2 professionals recommend the Kirkland Brand, and my dogs love it. I researched who makes it {Diamond} and all the fillers. I am confident, my dogs have a better balanced diet than I do!

    BTW – thank your site – it is absolutely FABULOUS and funny too! I send the link to all my friends!

  8. The link doesn’t send me to the coupons page. Any idea where I can find them? Thanks

  9. Another person wondering how you can get to the Amazon coupon page if you are starting from their home page?

  10. Sorry, folks, I don’t know why that link isn’t working for you. Coupons are located sort of right in the middle of the main-level grocery page… you’ll need to scroll down to see an assortment of them, and you should also see a link that says something like “See other offers available to me,” which should take you to a page of just coupons.

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